Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise
Depends on the build really. From all of the videos ive en on youtube the TT kits seem to boost at like 5k rpms if you had a setup that could make bigger power earlier it would be better. You would need atleast 600+whp to take on a modded gtr though.
Can anyone confirm when our TT kits make full boost?
Does not take a TT 370z to hit full boost tell 5k most people have the stage 1 or stage 2 GT 28 turbos the spool by 3000-3500 rpm's . I have stage 3 GT3071 turbos and I hit full boost by 4500 rpms. I actually like that my turbos spool a bit slower than the smaller turbos helps with traction from a roll.
I have raced a full bolt on GTR from a roll of 60 mph and beat it by a car and a half on my 14 psi boost setting making 580whp. I then raced the same the same GTR from a 30 mph roll and lost because of slight wheel spin . Racing a GTR down low is just asking for it the transmission and awd is just two good .