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Old 01-14-2009, 04:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
Base Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Fort Riley, KS
Posts: 14
Drives: Kouki S14-Zenki S13
Rep Power: 17
Fries is on a distinguished road
Default This forum!??!...

[Is it even possible to make a thread title in the intro area that is unique?]

I'm Fries.
I'm located in Chapman, KS. I know none of you know where that is unless you know about the tornado that destroyed much of the town [terrible note to start this on eh?] or you've visited K-State, which is verrrrry close to where I live.
I work on Fort Riley. No, I am not military, although my father is active duty Army. [Currently serving his 2nd tour in Iraq this year, prayers welcome]

I'm 20 years old and stunningly attractive. Can I go with good looking atleast?

The Fun Stuff

I daily drive a 1997 240sx [Kouki S14] it's been my little baby and has taught me much. A year ago I didn't know how to change my own oil. In a year I've done a few motor swaps, AT-MT swaps and set up so many suspension systems I can do it in my sleep.
I love this car.

Fairly recent picture, I've since hit a curb street drifting [No need to bash we'll talk about this later] and I'm replacing the busted strut with some coilovers I have laying around.

On to drifting.

I love it. So much so that I decided our drift scene needed a boost. [Read: Actual events]
I set up the first legal drift event this side of the midwest at Heartland Park Topeka [Raceway]. [I've since handed the duties of organizing the events off to the guys who originally started KCDA{Kansas City Drift Assoc}]

This season there will be judged competitions rather than practice events. Ought to be exciting. Our very first practice event brought in over 100 spectators and 32 drivers [ with a cap of 40 ] with almost zero advertising. I'm looking forward to possibly talking to a few companies about sponsorship for some near free publicity, considering I'm some-what well known in the midwest drifting community

About the Z
I'm leaving for some contract work in Iraq during the summer [yaaaay heat ] and coming back in the fall. So I'll be looking to purchase my Z then.

I absolutely love this vehicle and cannot wait to make it do things it wasn't designed for. Oh and grip the hell out of it.
My plans for the car are that of any ricer.
-Stupid wide/low offset wheels

And so it shall stay until I grow bored of the stock powerlevel.
[Speaking of which, any news on a company designing a turbo set up for these vehicles?]

Aaaaaand that's it. I'll be around often.
<3 Fries
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