Originally Posted by ONEighty
I gotta ask... what is this boiling water method? THAT sounds scary to me lol
lmao... i know it sounds retarded but it actually works....
anyways this is how it works lmao, you boil a **** load of water like maybe 2-3 gallons of water then dump all the hot water in a big ol bucket... not the tall buckets at home depot but like the short wide ones... so when you got all the water in there submerge your headlight, the lens part facing the water and leave it there until it fogs inside... when it fogs you know its hot enough now you can literally pull it apart because the glue is so soft
ive done this technique to cars usually with glass headlights

when i accidentally cracked the glass headlight of my friend with my heat gun

some guy told us use hot water because thats what he uses... i thought he was full of sh!t lol but he was actually right