Originally Posted by SolidRed370Z
This happens to me a lot when I try to pass people and then they accelerate. I had one person in a prius last week that decided it would be fun to keep pace with another driver on a two lane hwy so I couldnt get passed. It stayed like that for about 3 miles and then I downshifted to 4th and went onto an on ramp and went around both of them. PITA prius drivers.
funny, i had a 370z owner do that to me while i was on my bike. We knew who each other were to but dont really talk. Guess he failed to realise im on a bike thats less then a meter wide and i can fit between him and the other car. I dont lane split at high speeds but i wasnt going to deal with this dudes bs.
2011 Evo-GSR AMS 2.4 stroker/ bore, FP Black build in progress.
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Last edited by Snakes709; 10-22-2012 at 12:08 AM.