Originally Posted by onzedge
Oh boy -- inpromptu tire plug patch today. I caught a nail.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Nail in the PSS?
Egads! Not in the beloved and awesomely revered PSS's?!
Originally Posted by onzedge
Yes. I was sweeping out under my garage shelving yesterday and vacuuming up the debris. I was going to sweep the whole floor and became distracted by company (mom, son and wife, baby, etc.) and just pulled the Z back in last night. This morning she was leaning. I had a little nail right between the treads. Colin and I plug patched it and I am taking over to his shop tomorrow for a proper patch.
There you go.

danged company anyway...

alls well that ends well....

to being self-sufficient!
Originally Posted by GaleForce
I just died a little inside.

Love you Gale! You are ate up w PSS!
You guys are my heroes!