Originally Posted by ben1620
You obviously haven't done any research on the topic. Under-drive and/or Lightweight pulleys both have unique advantages while Harmonic Balancers prevent vibration that can lead to crankshaft failure and/or fusion with the pulley. Feel free to educate yourself on both topics and I won't waste time explaining. It doesn't always happen but it's a chance that I choose not to take bc this is a universal issue when choosing an aftermarket pulley. Crankshafts even break in LS engines from the same thing if someone doesnt want to spend the extra $$$ on a fluidampr. The last pulley that I saw for sale was taken down bc the owner said "it would not come off".
VIDS :: JAY.mp4 video by GTMPOWER - Photobucket
that video prove absolutly nothing
come on he torque down the main bolt with an impact
he apply HEAT ! to that bolt which will infact EXPAND in the crank
good luck getting it.
I still have my NST lightweight pulley that I took off from my engine after 70 000km being on there .. absolutly no sign of damage whatoever on the pulley itself.