8875 miles... S-tune pads worn???
Today, I hopped in my Z. I took off my and I heard this hollow metallic scraping sound and an overwhelming squeal,simultaneously. I went back home and took my Altima to do what I had to do.
Came back and started the car and now the hollow metallic scraping sound was gone. The squeal was still very audible but not as bad as the first time? There's a very mild resistance at take off, but nothing to really compromise performance. Braking is still the same. Just mild resistance on take off and maybe while driving, but less than on take off. Audible squealing and only mildly progressive sound with speed... I'm thinking I need to bleed them and make sure they're functioning properly. Rotors are new stop techs were fine for 3,700 miles and never been tracked. Or, maybe I just need new pads already. 1 track day but nothing too extreme on my car that day before the stop tech rotors. 50% spirited driving. Thoughts anyone???