alright.... lol seems like no love for this brace

anyways i finished everything tonight.... i would say the install went excellent... after i reshot everything and popped in the panels everything went in smooth as silk no rubbing or fitment issues due to the "cut" i went ahead and polished the bars with some mothers billet polish... ill post more pics tomoro when the sun is out so everyone can see them better.... as for the z box... well it dont fit at all.... it was pretty apparent even if i didnt try and put it back in with the bars in place. its gonna go to another z owner locally

he should be picking it up this weekend if he has the time.
now... if any of you guys ever ask if i would ever recommend this mod to anyone? its pretty simple HELL NO lol... well if you gut out the panels then go for it... but if your gonna keep your panels.... ill buy you a couple rounds bud your gonna need it. Not only was laying out the holes difficult enough, trimming the curvatures and notches was a complete PIA.
custom fiberglass enclosure.... its gonna have a 12 facing the front in between the seats JL W3 V3 and then ill have some nice JL 6 1/2's for the rear ill give myself 2-3 weeks to build this, since im working on my car only AFTER work and im a one man show this will be a interesting build for me... not to mention the last time i build a fiberglass box was in high school,