Originally Posted by JARblue
Funny you should mention that. I just posted in the Austin thread that I was contemplating putting my stock intakes back on and running a dyno and then reinstalling the R2C intakes for comparison dyno. Unfortunately, I have virtually zero availability on Saturday. I might try to squeeze in a dyno with them installed, but I definitely won't have time to do both intakes.
I want to! No time 

i like how they look
and have heard good things about their filters. as long as power gain is similar to the long tube intakes then I might do them as a winter project.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Oh... and actually, I did collect iat data this past summer. I just didn't post it or save it  I know... I'm a terrible forum member  Basically, my results were its not enough to bother me as a DD in the hot a$$ TX summer heat. Yeah it gets pretty hot at a stop light after she's warmed up good, but it gets plenty of cooling once you hit about 10 mph.

that's not too bad
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