Dude thats AWESOME!!
I would love to see that if I ever have a chance to get out that way. The IPA I just bottled was I believe it was fresh Cascade from Washington State, but I may be confusing that with the Pumpkin that is almost in second stage.
2500gal!! Haha PARTY! Your, and your dads friends must LOVE you! lol

If ever you get any of your brews out this way let me know I would love to sample some for you
Originally Posted by Thefrooog
Hey Tibal sounds awesome man Wet IPAs are one of my favorites, what hops are you using?
Funny to run into this post as I haven't been on here for a long while. My dad's been a home brewer for all my life pretty much, and over the last few years I've gotten into it too. Actually earlier this year we took the rather large leap from home brewer to opening up our own micro brewery (80bbl or about 2500gal of fermentation capacity!!)
We primarily specialize in belgian beers, brewery is looking to open mid-November in Temecula CA if your ever out this way you should stop in, could definitely give you a little tour around. It's like home-brew equipment on steroids lol
Check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/RefugeBrewery