Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Oh well it's not that bad then. If 13.001 was the best you did though that day, then you'd probably be more pissed.
I went to the drag strip last Friday, but had no luck. Not sure what the problem was but I had like no traction at all. Didn't get even a single decent launch. Was getting wheel hop at first, then after lowering the tire pressure the wheels just kept spinning and spinning after at each launch. Tried shifting early to the next gear, but wheels were spinning all the way into 4th. Temps were in the 50s and my summer tires were pretty worn (2/32 or less tread left). Very frustrating day so I just left after like 5-6 horrible runs. Best I managed was 13.45 @ 108 even with the traction issues. That was my first run and things just seemed to get worse and worse further into the night.

call me crazy but why not just leave it in Drive and let the car do all of the shifting?