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Old 10-17-2012, 12:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Adam's Quick Sealant vs. 1000+ miles of bugs

So for those that don't know yet I recently uprooted the family from SoCal and moved to Colorado to be closer to the Adam's HQ and work in the office. Big deal since it allows me to get more done in house with product development and customer support versus working remotely. So now when you yahoos call you might just be getting me on the phone

With a long drive ahead of me I figured I had a prime opportunity to REALLY see what Quick Sealant could do. The day before loading up and starting the drive I gave the truck a good strip wash, 1 quick pass of Adam's Revive Polish, and an all over coating of Adam's Quick Sealant.

I followed that up with 3 additional coats of Adam's Quick Sealant on all the leading edges of the truck including the hood, front bumper, grill, mirrors, and even the small parts of the front and rear fenders that stick out slightly.

If Quick Sealant could withstand about 1,100 miles of highway over 2 days, leaving California, passing thru Nevada, a small part of Arizona, a good chunk of Utah, and then over the rockies into the heart of Colorado I'd be impressed.

I had my doubts... afterall I was going to be going thru a lot of countryside, past a lot of farm land, seeing temps into the high 90's in the day, and freezing at night. The truck even got rained on, and a light dusting of snow before I had a chance to clean it.

Needless to say in the end I was blown away with how easily all that gunk washed away... when I say almost NO effort, I literally mean it. Aside from the presoak with Adam's Waterless Wash the effort needed to remove the bugs was no more intensive than what was needed to remove dust and contamination everywhere else. The 'splats' didn't really stick too well to begin with, some of the little critters fell off while I was spraying down the front end with waterless wash.

The conclusions we took away from this
  • Quick Sealant prevents the buildup of bugs to a large degree. Some of the bits that were stuck to the front end were literally dislodged and removed by nothing more than spraying the waterless wash at it.
  • The coating had been tested for longevity by some customers, but never for the specific purpose of preventing bug gut buildup, this proves its definitely helpful prior to long road trips.
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