Yes, the design is really awkward, and air doesn't like to flow through sharp turns -- BUT, the distance to the TB is so short, so I bet the effect is pretty negligible.
The alternative would be a longer length of piping.
Responsiveness is probably better here with the shorter, albeit less than ideal, piping angle.
Probably not much room either -- note the flattened section of piping on the SC outlet piping -- that's much more of a travesty to me than the sharp bend.
Also that sharp bend isn't going to have much of an effect on heat (I think someone implied that?) -- that's really all down to compressor efficiency.
Originally Posted by Lug
Power and tq do not cross at 5252 rpm on that dyno sheet, meaning one of those numbers is bullshite (technically, scaled wrong).
Assuming that's actually Nm of tq, 412 Nm = 304 lbft, which looks to be about the value for torque and power if it crossed at 5252.