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Old 09-12-2009, 10:54 PM   #12 (permalink)
Lone Wolf 75
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Lone Wolf 75 will become famous soon enough

Terminator 3 - I cannot believe that Arnold decided to do this one. I guess he needed the money. I think the scriptwriters literally thought - "Hey, let's take a chase scene from T1, add another from T2, and boom! We've got a movie!" I was really angry that this one wasn't about the war - this movie should have devoted the first five minutes showing Skynet coming aware and the resulting global thermonuclear war. The rest of the movie should have been after the war.

Alien 3 - I know, let's remake Alien and throw in some ideas from The Thing. Let's also kill off two of the good characters from the previous movie in the first five minutes of this one, and do a shoddy, piss-poor job of explaining how it all happens because you saw nothing in the previous movie to justify these events. Let's also make Sigorney Weaver shave her head and make her as unattractive as we can. Let's also realy bend the rules of the alien gestation time and fail to explain any of this.

I agree with The Mist (so much different than the short story), and also The Happening. Maybe Mark Wahlberg was told to forget how to act. I will also add all of M. Night Shyamalan's movies since Unbreakable - they have gotten progressively worse, to the point that he should be renamed M. Night Shama-lama-ding-dong if they get any worse.

I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them.
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