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Old 10-16-2012, 04:01 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Inspector71 is on a distinguished road
Default Thanks for the advice

I hope it works. My age isn't implied, I'm on the downside of 50 but don't look it. I have long skinny bones with narrow joints and they hurt all the time. One of the surgeons, can't remember if it was the one who operated on my left elbow, right elbow, neck, or shoulder said my tendon "disease" was so bad, and the disks in my neck and back so screwed up, I'd be in a wheel chair by 50 and never lifting again. So far I still kicking, lifting, and hiking. I just hurt a lot... a lot. How do I deal with the pain? I figure the day will come when I wished I had hiked one more time, lifted one more time, and so keep pushing knowing that is my future. Again, thanks for the help (this was before I was diagnosed with Diabetes and told I might be dead in 4 years).
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