Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good Morning ms. BC, mr onzedge (what the h3ll are you doing up at 4:00 am PDT?), and the rest of the sleepy heads.
Mu - been there, done that about 15 years ago. Walked in with a Car and Driver magazine and read through the entire procedure just so as to not have to watch. Spent the weekend on the couch watching car races and football afterwards. By day three, you'll be fine. I was at work the Monday following the Friday procedure.
Gearing up for vacation in People's Republic of California starting Thursday.  Fly into San Francisco to meet friends and the party begins. Would have loved to hook-up with mr. onzedge, even if just to see baby Faye, but schedule is tight, and mrs. gurney is a vacation schedule nazi. I'll be goose stepping behind her all the way down the Coast, eventually ending-up at Disneyland for three days.
Trying to stay on cruise control here at work, but failing miserably at it.
My Evo-R black Z badges did arrive yesterday, but will have to wait until I get back for install.
Have a great day guys! 
I am up so that I can drive to the city (SF) and deliver an all day Dynamics AX proof-of-concept presentation and this is the last real thing I am doing for my current company. I might as well leave on a good note and give them all more reasons to miss me after this Friday.
Have a great day, everyone. I will.