To those of you that have been following my sub enclosure builds and for those of you that haven't, I need some advice. After building the three enclosures, I was either going to keep just the corner unit or the 2 strut tower units. But after building these things I just can't part with them, so here's what I need to know. I have Morel Dotech Ovation running off a JL 250/2 amp incorporating their crossovers. What I have now is the same Morel's with the addition of 2/8" Morel Primo's and a JL 10W3v3-2 and a JL 250/1 amp. I need to know the best way to incorporate all the speakers. Do I add another 250/2 amp, do I need some type of electronic crossover.....I'm not sure whats the best course of action.
Thanks in advance.
Here's a link to my build;
My sub enclosure build!