I've modded it quite a bit, although I've kept most of my stock components, just in case I need them.
Click my signature pic to see what all I've had done. My seats and door card are wildly modded, one-of-a-kind, but nothing far over the top. I have visual mods inside, and performance mods where they matter. I started with a base Z, so I have the Akebono BBK, thanks to a raffle. I also got an oil cooler so I could track and/or thrash the car in warmer temperatures. I have 19" rims, but I kept my stock 18's for winter tires. And I have intakes for the sound and tiny bit of extra grunt. I also got the fog lamp, because it rocks in heavy rain or fog.
I bought the very cheapest Z I could, so that I could mod it and personalize it as I liked.