Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
So yesterday I went out and bought an X box 360 with a wireless wheel, and Forza 4. I should have bought a hard drive so I could install the game.
I simply went to Game Stop and said what I wanted and they first asked who this would be for. When I said for me they looked shocked,(They thoght it was for my son or grandkid. Then let me assemble what you want, was his reply.
He'd already asked about wi fi and told him I do not want that. Apparently I bought an older box but the whole deal was $216 taxed.
I talked to a couple younger folks today and they are jealous of me. This is what sucks about life. I don't even like it that much. If at all. I am doing this like going to school to learn various tracks. Fun has yet to be had. Granted I've played 20-30 minutes total.
Real tracks are obviously more fun, although video games give you the chance for epic dikkishness with no real consequences.
But yeah, there's no G-forces, nothing that really pulls you from your seating position.