morning everybody! rough start to the week...but I am here. barely.
Originally Posted by Isamu
morning all!
headed to the hospital in a few minutes, Jar is almost here...
wish my nuts luck! 
Originally Posted by JARblue
Isamu is in for the nut chop!

is it done yet? sorry-late gettign online this am. Mondays are difficult... let us know Jar if our 50 shades stil has 50 or not!
Originally Posted by onzedge


love all your big lenses mr. Onzedge! LOL!
(BTW Onzedge, I didn't get a chance to comment on the spider photos

that was really in your back yard?

x 10) did you kill it and all it's offspring?! maybe the bug people can come and spray...woudn't want those creppy crawling inside....
Originally Posted by Fire
Hello my  peeps. Ain't no way I'm going back and reading all the posts I missed. Cruise was great. Hope everybody had a great week while I was gone. I did read back and it looks like JAR is doing surgery on Isa. Wonder how that will work out  

hey Fire! Welcome back! LOL!
here we go!
Motored the Z into work this am, probably should not have..roads were still ab it wet from overnight rain so the Z is nice and dirty again...I had planned on putting it up for the winter after the meet on saturday but j u s t quite haven't been able to commit to that yet!

Being warm makes it difficult. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!