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Old 10-14-2012, 11:34 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: santa barbara
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Drives: 370Z roadster tourin
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Dcengr is on a distinguished road

I have the exact same problem in my 2012 roadster. I've taken it to the dealer and they heard it. They want it back this tuesday so they can have it for a few days to poke around.

I also tried to find the source of the sound but I can't find anything. However, I did notice that if I put my arm on an open window and push up on the top (like a screw jack), the noise goes away. So it has something to do with the top not closing tightly, which is causing the noise. Either the actuator is not pulling the correct force or something yielded and it doesn't close as tightly as before.
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