Originally Posted by Glokwork
Just thought I would put my 2 cents in here as I saw a post on the 1st page with some bad info.
A wastegate is possibly the only component in your whole engine package that can actually be made smaller as you increase your boost/horsepower output.
Big Turbo/Low Boost = Bigger Wastegate
Big Turbo/High Boost = Smaller Wastegate
Small Turbo/High Boost = Smaller Wastegate
Small Turbo/Low Boost = Bigger Wastegate
If I may jump on topic with GLOKWORK; my high boost is set to roughly 10.4 PSI and the Greddy supplies a 4.5 PSI WG spring. I hit the target boost level, but it is not steady. From what I have learned over the last two weeks is to get a WG spring that is close to your target boost (or low boost setting in my case), but no less than half of your high boost target.
To the OP:
If you are looking at GTM TT kits, you will have a hard time going wrong parts-wise. I would just suggest going with an Electronic Boost Controller if you plan on going with External WasteGates. As long as you can communicate your intended use or power goal, GTM (or any competent builder/tuner) can get you where you need to be.........with the right budget of course.