Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ
So in the non-winter months you're just gonna pay $200 a month for a car you'll never drive?
Or are you going to drive the Z less because you have that car? That's blasphemous. 
I habe to agree I couldn't justify another payment for something I am not even going to drive/want to be driving.
Originally Posted by Thechidz
96 geo prizm lsi. Runs like a tank, great gas milage. 1100 bucks
Another great example of a beater! heck if you really want a Subaru you can always get an older one, mind you they will probably start a little higher like 2-5k would get you a decent Subaru, my younger brother only drives Subarus and he has a 99 outback as a beater (paid I think $2k for it from parents neighbour) and 05 or 06WRX for sumer (I call it a project WRX though he spends more time fixing/modding it then driving it

so basically he drives the outback!
