I dont understand it either...it doesnt add up, either mathematically or per what you were looking for:
You asked for:
Touring M/T - $31,919/$34,460
Sport - $2,602/$3,000
Nav - $1,605/$1,850
Kickplates - $148/$200
MSRP $39,510. They responded with if they can get it, it will be MSRP $40,635? $1125 difference?
But then they say:
Base A/T - $29,259/$31,230
Floor mats - $89/$115
Trunk mat - $65/$95
MSRP $31,440 + $695 = $32135. Which DOES add up. They deal at $30,608...roughly 4.5% off MSRP.
Very confusing.