Originally Posted by theDreamer
Is the law of new v used online in a pdf file on the governments website somewhere?
Or all the legal stuff basically.
I spoke with the enitity called Ministry of Transport and Communications and they said that there is a new law published on the official peruavian news paper and i spoke with some people that work for the port and do imports. The law exist and it is stupid.
They said that this law is made to prevent a flood of used cars because what some people did was to buy a wrecked car and declared as same, but the damage was nothing because i think the insure for you guys is too much.
So this people fixed that lil damage and sold it here as new. The law before was 80,000KM (50k miles) and 5 years old max but now is 100kM (62.5 miles) and the years remain the same.
I did search on the web but nothing even i called SUNAT and they said there is no problem 50k miles car can enter. They are worse than nissan customer service as i read in the forum lol