Originally Posted by onzedge
So -- I still have a "Proof of Concept" to deliver for my soon-to-be-former company -- at a medical device manufacturer in SF next Tuesday. Amazingly, they want me to do it still so I am working very hard today and Sunday/Monday to deliver my last and best hurrah for them. Cognitive dissonance abounds on this one.
[COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]Tonight, I am shooting a friend's wedding rehearsal and dinner, followed by the actual wedding tomorrow. I am regretting telling him 6 months ago something brilliant like "I'll shoot your wedding -- sounds like fun". Let's just say that this moment will not be in the chapter of my memoirs titled "The Really Smart Things I Said in my Life"[/COLOR].
Then, Sunday -- Kate (Mrs. Dr. Dr. onzedge) is off to New Orleans for the week to be a big-shot presenter at some kind of laboratory animal brain surgeon scientist conference where she will be the hottest scientist and wow the nerd crowd with words and phrases like "transgenic insertions", "conditional genetic knockouts" and "phenotyping the F1 generation heterozygous mouse". It should be a real knee-slapper.
That, my friends, is how we celebrate around here.
Lol! Been there , done that on wedding shoots...its hard to say "no thank you" gracefully

there are much worse ways (i'm sure we have both experienced them

to celebrate. Love the mouse phrase teehee...i speak geek and like humongous words
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Because there are very few people left in this world with the courage, common sense, or volition to do the right thing.
We are surrounded by a culture of self-serving, entitled, slacking whiners. We stand out like sore thumbs and are usually ridiculed for it.
Is that explanation strong enough? I'm sure some are insulted, but tough.
Don't second guess yourself.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Because you're not enough of a d1ck to not care about other people. There are a number of personality traits that allow people to ignore feelings of guilt or empathy with others. Consider yourself blessed that you do not have these traits 
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Hey yall, I'm finally in from helping out the parents, and running around the city of Grand Rapids.. Its nice being home, but man in a way it feels like Im working... wtf.

. Stop whining .... At least you're kinda on vaca!
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Damn dude, nice camera!

alcheng took some A W E S O M E photos didnt he EW?! "why yes Ms. BC, he certainly did!"

Originally Posted by ZMan8
Just arrived home from my awesome drive home. Love the sound of the FI exhaust burbling along. 

i wanna see butt shot too..take a pic already! Please?!
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Do you have any "ass" pictures of your Z with the FI exhaust?
If you do, could I see one?

Oh my gawd! What a day! First order of the day:get us some aviator sunglasses for the Z run tomorrow! Lol! By order of the mini!
Then chores, chores, and more chores.

we have a log home, that means it gets stained every few years, it is 1/4 finished

remainder should be easier, not so many obstacles.

Most important: got the Z ready for tomorrow too-it sucks someday being a wife and mother...my stuff comes last but

its done!!! So excited-new sunglasses-tootsie pops for everybody-maps ready-camera ready-