Originally Posted by Val Vicious
I'm in L.A., and i've only seen 4 370's in the last month on the streets... really weird because this is California< and believe me we see ALL the best, newest, also the most expensive cars out here on the DAILY, so I'm trying to understand why I don't more of the 370's.
And on top of that, I've noticed that almost every single car i'm driving past seems to find the accelerator as soon as they see the Z! Is this happening to anybody else?
It happens to me so much that i'm thinking about making a sign that says "You WIN!!" So glad i'm at a nice mature age where i can control the "speedracer" in me, lol. 
Happens here too, I ignore them, seems to infuriate them ever worse....... I don't even acknowledge them........ fun to observe out of the corner of your eye, as they can't understand why you aren't drooling over their 10 year old piece of sh**, lol........... had a ridiculous looking Dodge Neon trying to race with me on the interstate last week, used the "ignore observe discreetly" method above, drove him nuts until he finally rode off into the sunset begging for a speeding ticket