Originally Posted by Rusty
On line dating is where it's at. It's like looking at a menu. I'm an avg. looking guy. Nothing special. A 56 yr widower. Which prime choice for these women. Being a widower, they think I have lots of insurance money. 56 yrs old. I have a nice nest egg. They think money, and security. Holidays are coming up. Nobody wants to be alone. Because of this. I'm getting about 2 hits a day online.
I've had a couple of young 30 somethings wanting to have my love child. Got to be careful with these nut cases. Marry them, have a kid. Then bingo . They are taking your *** to the cleaners. Taking half of everything. Plus child susport. Been warned about it and seen it happen. Soon as I tell them that I've been fix. They can't get out fast enough. LOL
Yeah, I've seen a lot of that too. But even internet dating is useless. Since its all about appearance, they scan pics, don't like what they see, and move on.
It actually makes the problem