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Old 10-10-2012, 10:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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fern96 is on a distinguished road
Default Hit a curb and noticed small crack on tire...

Hey guys... need your opinion on this one.

I was making a right turn and under estimated how close I was to the curb (trying to get around a car on the left... stupid, I know). I ran over the curb at about 20-25mph. The lip on the rim was not looking too hot, but I inspected the tire and didn't really notice anything (did not lose any tire pressure either).
After driving it for the last week, today I decided to take a closer look at the tire to see if it was bubbling or any other signs of damage. Well... I found a little crack on the side wall. I dread having to replace the tire (only 4k miles) , but want to be safe. Does this look to be of concern?

I am taking it to a tire shop this weekend, but thought to post and see if any tire experts can advise Thanks!! Pictures posted below:
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Small Crack 1.jpg (798.4 KB, 62 views)
File Type: jpg Small Crack 2.jpg (717.6 KB, 87 views)
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