If you do not care about the warranty, you can buy from amazon or woofersetc or even ebay. However Be aware of knock offs as I have been reading about a lot of counterfeits coming out of hong kong as well as Australia.
I have installed focal speakers in many different cars. A popular model is the polyglass line. I myself am running KRX3's as well as all focal amps and a mosconi processor. However I am also going for a high end install to demo to my customers.
Keep a few things in mind when buying your focals. They lower power, you will want to invest in a good quality amp as well. Sure the polyglass line will run just fine on a aftermarket head unit, they sound even better with an amp.
Position of your tweeters. If you can, I would install your tweeters "off axis- not pointed directly at you" such as in your a pillars. The stock location is a good place for them, however your going to want to play with your EQ settings of your head unit and/or turn the switch on the crossover to a negative number. Some installers even recommend reversing the polarity of the tweeters to make them sound smoother. You will just want to play around a bit to get the best out of them. As a installer I have been very pleased with their sound every time I use them.
Please feel free to ask me anything as I am in the middle of prep for my build.