Originally Posted by bigdog1250
As stated 2012+ has an oil cooler.
Also as stated, you don't NEED one by any means unless you are tracking. Yes I've seen high temps with VERY spirited drives in the mountains, around 240-250, but I still didn't hit limp mode and allowed my car to cool by driving slower for 10 min. No big deal.
You will only NEED one if tracking. You could have found this answer in about 50 different treads on this site using the search feature.
The reason he's asking is because he lives in AZ. AZ can be a whole nother animal sometimes due to how hot it gets here. He would not have found that info in other threads. the other 50 threads and advice really cover 47 or 48 states. The other 2 or 3 are questionable.
The default answer is track = yes, daily driving/spirited driving = no (47 states), daily driving/spirited driving = maybe (3 states)