Mike@GTM, most of what you say make sense, but i can't help to pose a few questions.
1, on calculation what you say makes sense, but under heat either iron or aluminum is extremely hot, so with the piping being so hot already the exhaust flow should have a minimal reduction in velocity considering the temperature of surrounding pipe is under extreme heat. Also wouldn't this issue be easily addressed by thermal coating and heat warping the said pipe which would prevent the loss of heat.
2, the exhaust pulses that you mention is true, but since the headers aren't equal length, as in the case with your twin turbo kit, wouldn't the pulse from cyl 1 interfere with pulse from cyl 3 as the pulse from cyl 1 travels down the manifold towards the turbo inlet while the pulse from cyl 3 is trying to exist the exhaust valve from the heads into the manifold itself. This logic would also apply to cyl 5 and right bank. So from the turbo point of view, the propeller would recieve one large pulse from the combination of pulses from cyl 1,3,5 and have a long pause until the next big pulse is generated.
Please note that I'm not trying to start a forum war, just trying to learn something, your reply would be greatly appreciated