Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 prepare thyself.
Anybody in here Amish?!
I thought so.
Ok-anybody in here live in the city where you have to clean up after your dog?! (doggie do bags?! 
I thought:maybe.
Well-my precious Z had dried horse feces on it that i had to use Turtle Wax Tar and Bug cleaner on because it was so f***ing imbedded on the surface of the paint. W T F ? !
Dog doo has to be picked up but Amish horses can s*** all over the roads that my taxes pay for while pulling their damned steel wheeled buggies (which btw are also tearing up the surface of said road).
So, to summarize:
Amish are permitted to wreak havoc on local roads, and my Z car, w/o any consequences.
Not a happy camper about cleaning horse s*** off my painted surfaces and in my wheel wells.
That is all.
I am a recovering Amish. You English and your evil technology!!!