i kept ajusting the fuel curve with the Cobb aces port.
it started to rain before my last pass and i could not run the fuel curve that i made
best 60 ft 1.84
best 1/8 8.04
and a few 12.62 passes when i hit the rev limter at 8100
One was a great run and i hit it shifting from 3rd to 4th.
I data logged it it cost me 2.4th on a 12.62 pass.
Temp was 49 degress and 95 RH %
learned a lot about tire presures today i ran at 18to 17.0 lbs. to traction problems, will try to run higher preasure next time
Now for the BAD NEWS
all motor stock mustang 2013 5.0 ran 10.88's all day " all moter "
unbeilable !!!!!!!!
 12.343 @114.14 . 4.5 stroker motor is now being built. Dec 1 2015.