Dear caj77,
Yes my words may be "oxymoronic & hypocritical". but are your serious? In this land called America, where we are free to do what ever we want, and have freedom of business you are telling me that is not ok for a car dealer to ask for more money than the car is worth knowingly that, that price will be the starting point of a negotiation?
Or should I say the starting point to drop the price?
Man good thing you dont purchase clothes in the tens of thousands otherwise you wouldnt have a life.
"4. Charging more for sticker is utterly disgusting"... huhmm you should be throwing up everytime you put that dollar into the soda machine bc if you put it into perspective you are paying 300% markup in a 1 dollar purchase.. feel stupid now. the only reason why cars are still negotiable items it is the only business where volume pends on putting a consumer on the spot to buy.
- let me simulate how you buy a car
1. go on the net a surft the car you want....." smart"
2. call every dealer in your area for a price..... "smart also"
3. call your local dealer to see if they will match the offer.... "also smart"
4. now you go to the dealer and try to beat him up on the price that he has already agreed to sell you the car for.
5. when the dearler says no.. you get either angry and leave.. or make some lame excuse to leave and call the dealer liers and cheaters and not willing to give you a deal.
6. you lose face with that dealer, go to the next and settle for the same offer that the other dealer was willing to give you the car for...
wow what a winner you are... a true negotiator should know that all dealers within the same region get the car at the same cost.. no matter where you go.. so next time you want to buy a car.. grow some balls.. use the only leverage you have which is
commitment to buy not money "which from my experience is the best thing a consumer has going for them" sit down ask to speak with a salesmanager and negotiate you deal with the man that has all the power, get your ego massaged while you are at it.. a dealership is not going to break if they don't sell you that Z that they are making less profit then if they would to sell a Versa.
Many people think they are an expert negotiator because they negotiated about 100x in their life time...
I m so shocked wow.. yea 100x in 20 yrs thats 5x a year when just the average salesman does that in a day.. dont under estimate the knowledge of professional level of salesman.. not only car salesman all of them because the reason you get angry or "Disgusted" is because they do it better and you cant help it..
enjoy that Z that you got... many people wish they had a chance.... And I am here to give those who want one a shot
..... so when they leave they will be
their new Z happy as hell