Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
Yesterday was close to 100 degrees. At 6AM it was 76*. So driving home at four in the after noon the fog starts to roll in. By the time I get home the roads are wet and some people have their wipers on. As usual a Mustang is holding up traffic, A Lexus 330, me, a Subaru Forester, and finally a Ford 150 or similar 80's truck.
The 330 and took the other direction and in the final mile home, I was alone. I really like the new Michelins. I turned the VDC on, as it was wet and set the light off at one point. May have saved me and might be the usual flash when its off. But I do not recall it going off in this particular place.
Lol-a mustang! I would love to also have a mustang...and I promise , i would not hold up traffic.

on the michelins and VDC...i freaked a bit the one time (in heavy rain) that my VDC light flashed me