Originally Posted by Cjanik
I agreed to pay 500 above invoice on June 2nd. The car I wanted was nowhere to be found so they ordered it directly from japan. I supposedly should have it Friday next week but they keep delaying so I'm not sure when it will really arrive.
In las vegas its kind of hard to get a good deal, Nissan on west sahara is the worst, wouldnt go 1 dollar below msrp. east sahara wasnt so bad but they told me to get out of there cuz they were too busy to order a car. Henderson Nissan did the same thing except they were very nice about it.
planet nissan went ahead and did the ordering and all. The issue I am having with them now is the car was due last month.

i thought that nissan wasnt excepting 2010 orders until september 8th or 9th...and they ordered one for you a month ago?