After Digi brought up my engagement point I've made an interesting observation of my clutch pedal assembly. If I apply all the pressure to the left edge of the pedal instead of the center of the pedal it shifts more smoothly. Looking at the pedal it looks a bit higher than the brake/accelerator but it doesn't look bent. The clevis pin is free floating but I didn't take it apart to see if it was actually bent (it started raining).
Is it possible the pedal or pedal assembly is slightly bent and out of spec? To the point where it is not pressing the master cylinder plunger all the way?
It is my understanding that the clutch pedal travel is limited and cannot actually push to the bottom of the master cylinder. If so a bent/out of spec assembly + a limited travel clutch may not be fully cycling the master cylinder.
I know I ran across a thread awhile back about a clutch bleeding problem someone had and a performance shop actually took apart the master and hard lines to find the problem. That's where I read the the pedal doesn't full cycle the master.