Originally Posted by shadoquad
lolol makes us look bad? It was a GTR cruise. We're a Z site with a Z car group. That run wasn't organized by our fellas. We had guys that rode along, but this doesn't reflect on our group.
Well said, like I said in one of the thread, I was amazed at the immaturity of some of the GTR drivers. You would expect that owning such amazing and expensive machines would MAKE you be more responsible nooooooooooo. The GTRs were absolutely amazing and extremely well modded. Sucks that I had to scratch one of my list for a Tahoe or Suburban in the near future. Having the right priorities in life sucks
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Doesn't make the rest of us look bad because one idiot crashed. Stupid drivers crash all the time all around the world. 

stupid drivers crash all the time all around the world and have someone else record and post it on youtube/jalopnik/facebook for all the world to comment