Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Just stupid drivers ticking me off. You know, the kind that is going way below the speed limit and when you go to pass, they speed up and decide to ride alongside you no matter what the speed, the kind that pull out going 20mph when you are clearly hauling ***. I'm a bit better now, pancakes helped and some paddle shifter action. 

must be in the air today....4 lane highway I drive to work everyday occassionally has the idiot(s) who thing 50 is OK, one is in teh fast/passing lane, the other in the drive lane, NOBODY can get through becuase they are driving nose to tail in the lanes.....what the f#*&?!
I was in the Civic this a.m. so I just chilled in the slow lane until this utility van just really tailgates the one guy till he moves...kind of made me chuckle, he was REALLY tailgating him too!