Originally Posted by eastwest2300
You ride motorcycles?? thats badass, I use to ride too.. I had 3 crotch rockets, by the grace of god, I never wrecked or laid one down, and after losing 3 close friends on bikes, I gave up riding.
Originally Posted by Footloose301
Similar story here. I bought a 2007 Yamaha R6 in march 2012 and lost a friend a couple months later and then another time, me and another friend we were shredding some twisties when a 20yr old decided to make a U Turn into front of him and he slammed into the back of her Scion at 50mph. She admitted to the cop that she saw him too.  the craziest part is that I was leading the pack and was about 3 seconds ahead of him. So If she got to that intersection 3 seconds earlier it would have been me into the back of her Scion. He suffered only a sliced off ring finger despite wearing gloves and full body gear. Needless to say his Daytona675 was totaled.
I sold my bike less than two months ago. Never laid it down at all.
I would still love to get another bike but not sure yet.

Bikes are BA but dangerous....I know most people don't like loud ones but that is another way to announce your presence to other motorists...be safe Z buds!