You can be lucky and get my first post
IF US Gallon
18 Miles / 1 Gallon
28.9674 Km / 1 Gallon
28.9674 Km / 3.78541 Litre
3.7841 Litre per 28.9674 Km
0.130633 Litre per 1 KM
13.0633L / 100km
IF UK Gallon
18 Miles / 1 Gallon
28.9674 Km / 1 Gallon
28.9674 Km / 4.54609 Litre
4.54609 Litre per 28.9674 Km
0.156938 Litre per 1 Km
15.6938L / 100km
Capacity 72 Litres
If US Gallon: 551.1624 Km
If UK Gallon: 458.7799 Km
According to the 10.5L / Km combined Nissan advertised: 685.71Km
Following the 23mpg which people claim to have on freeway / highway
If US Gallon: 10.2L / 100Km and
704km to empty
If UK Gallon: 12.0L / 100Km and
600km to empty
I don't know whether they use UK or US (I'd guess US) Gallon.
I Just quickly worked this out for you, so while I think it's right, it could be wrong.