Originally Posted by W.O.W. 370Z
I went on your facebook pretty unique idea.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
You went there and didn't like?? hehe Thanks for checking it out. Its my baby and one day you will use it as a verb
. We are doing a giveaway in October, probably of a nice gift card to a forum sponsor, all you have to do to enter is like us on facebook. I'll be announcing it sometime this week officially. Can't say much more until I opt to be a forum sponsor, I feel like i'm already being unfair to those who pay money to advertise here, but rest assured I will be a forum sponsor soon, assuming AK allows it.
Originally Posted by kellyefields
I would really appreciate that.
Love the car, I think its tastefully done and I know you're a good guy so its a good match for us. Plus it will save me a ton of money having to mod our own show car