Well, as always, you guys are entertaining!! Huck-pint-gale-onzedge (aka king goob) JAR!!!..hope Happy has a great day too! Alcheng et al must be resting after a busy nite session here...
Trying my new Waze app...you guys should check it out-kind of cool, especially if you drive city miles...
Good morning!!!!!
:getting oil changed in Z

10 dollar oil changes FOR LIFE at my dealership- do not hate on me -my husband cant change full symthetic that cheap-makes me h a p p y!
Headed to Harley shop afterwards-have a grand friday Diamonds!
Oh oh! One more thing-they have a 2013 Z on lhe lot-the new blue-very pretty but not my cup of tea

BC <3 yea baybee!