Originally Posted by danelonson
I also have the 7AT with a little over 3500 miles and to be honest I don't think my transmission is gonna last very long  . Ever since I purchased my car when i slow down at a stop sign or stop light, the transmission will shift from 2nd to 1st and the entire car will jerk like when you downshift a manual without syncro-rev matching. Also, sometimes in slow traffic when I accelerate the car slowly I will hear a "thump" sound coming from the transmission as it shifts from 2nd to 3rd (if i accelerate a little faster it won't do it).
I love my Z but just frustrated that I have to live with these "issues" that shouldn't be happening and don't want to take my car to the stealership. falconfixer have you ever felt any of these problems on your 7AT? Has anyone else with a 7AT felt this?
Sounds exactly what is going on with mine. It didn't do this up until recently, last 1000 miles or so and is getting progessively more noticeable. Off the floor I was actually impressed how smooth the 7AT shifted but not so much any more.