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Old 09-28-2012, 09:43 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default wanting something cheaper but faster

So I still owe about 27k on my 09 Nismo with 17k miles.... (paid 34k +tax when I bought it a year ago with 4k miles on it, I think I paid too much in hindsight lol)

I was hoping that I could sell it for 25k-27k and buy something a bit cheaper (but faster!!!)

But alas it looks like this is easier said than done. Looks like my options are pretty limited. So far all I can think of is a modded Evo 8 or Evo 9, a turbocharged S2000 or a 2001-2003 M5.

I'm thinking I should probably just keep the Z. What to do?
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