Originally Posted by EndyKwon

However, I disagree with your statement about the genesis coupe, I wouldn't go far as to say it doesn't have a soul.
Can I ask why you didn't like the mini cooper?
I'm not going to mince words about the Genesis coupe but, compared to the 370Z, the Genesis
to me felt soulless. When I was in the market for a new car, it was on my short list of cars to consider. But when I got behind the wheel of one, I was not at all impressed. The Koreans have demonstrated that they know how to make a car, but they still haven't quite gotten there yet in refinement.
Based solely on looks and sitting in the driver seat, I have to give the Mini Cooper coupe the thumbs down. I prefer the regular Coopers in the looks department. I find the coupes to be absolutely hideous. I have driven my friend's Cooper and it's a fun little car. But our assessment did not include driving it so I did not take anything into account except for the superficial.
Sooooo uglyyyyy:
Originally Posted by travisjb
sign an NDA? 
Originally Posted by onzedge
Right on, Kenny. I am a purist as well. A sports car is RWD and has only two seats. The Cayman and the 370 are the only two sports cars I see in that group.
Tough to say. In my book, the BRZ would be consider a sports car too. Perhaps you're more of a purist than I am.
Originally Posted by axmea?
Was this with Davis Research?
Maybe, maybe not
Originally Posted by LakeShow
How'd you get the invite?
Funny that you ask. It was a slow day at work a few weeks ago and I saw an email in my spam folder with the title, "Get paid to give us your thoughts on sports cars!" So I figured what the heck and clicked on the survey. A few days later, someone called and left a message on my Google Voice account (never use your cell phone in case it's real spam) and they sounded legit. I called back and the next thing I know, I was sitting in some room with other car folks.