Originally Posted by 6MT
Sounds interesting. But I only drink the stuff. That IPA sounds good. Hopefully the hops are very flavorful.
It definitely is. I went into this store near me that specializes in home brewing, and I was hooked!
There is so much chemistry involved once you get into the serious brewing. It was amazing to hear as I am in the medical industry, and when the manager of the store was explaining to me, it sounded like a different language!!
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
I wish I could brew Corona Extra, I'd never come out the house.
You would be amazed the types and flavors of beer they have pre made recipes for. I'm sure if a little digging is done you could find one for Corona. Its funny cause at first you think its expensive, but then you realize for >60 bucks you get 5 gallons of any beer you can make.