Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good morning to the beautiful ms. bc20 and the et al!
Z is beginning to look like a crop duster from all the dirt that's settled on it from the construction site next door; and I park in a covered garage! Rain tomorrow, so I may just start raising corn or wheat on the hood! I hear comodity prices are rising.
Have a great day all. 

Good mornig to the wise and wonderful Gurneyeagle!

(and et al too, who is that anyway!? LOL)
LOL on the crop duster and commodities! I am afraid you may need to apply for government subsidies if you plan on making any money though!!

raining here too so my Z is garaged (have I said lately how much I love my Z?!)

...oil change tomorrow and then dropping it off to my fav body guy to install the brand spanking new Pioneer HU!