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Old 09-26-2012, 03:17 PM   #303 (permalink)
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Telephone is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 View Post
So i have found over the past couple weeks driving the roads are filled with morons. Not only some but now everyone acts like one...especially if you are in a 370z. I have noticed people wave, and give the thumbs up to rev their engine, give the thumbs down, pull up next to you speed off, (but not getting very far because they are driving a camry) or just plain and simple give u the ugly look and give u the finger. I had a lady pull up next to me the other day in her late 40s early 50s prolly, and give me the finger....I dont know why but by the way she zoomed off and looked at my car in disgust I was like uhhh...really? Are people really that much haters....I find it funny, but then when the cops get in on it its not. One cop decided to follow me down a road then he pulled up next to me, gave the glance then shaked his head...then before the light turned green he floored it ( and went no where) but still managed to leave me at the red light confused. Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior since you have gotten a Z, I mean sheesh I know its a nice car and all....but relax people. Also ESPECIALLY other tuners, or muscle cars act the most annoying...sorry mustang lovers but all u mustang pppl (especially the older ones before 2002ish) always try to "race" me, even when im just cruising on the highway. They intentionally tailgate me and then speed im suppost to chase them? I dont mean to intetnionally show off, I can afford it so I drive it. Never had this problem when I had my T-bird....I wonder what has changed.....
I DD and I've not experienced anything out of the ordinary. Then again I just drive to point B safely and ignore people.
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